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留学资讯2022-10-04 13:33:31





  新西兰怀卡托大学拥有南半球最好的管理学院, Waikato Management School。大学成立于1964年,是全世界成立少于50周年的最杰出的大学之一。位于汉密尔顿市,是新西兰政府资助的8所公立大学之一, 怀卡托大学在世界上享有很高的知名度, 其中法律、经济、计算机、语言学、商科与管理、地理、社会学以及设计等12个专业排名在全球前2%。

  怀卡托大学管理学院被新西兰高等教育委员会评为新西兰第一研究型商学院NZ No.1 Research-Led Business School,怀卡托管理学院亦被英国每日电报评为“南半球的哈佛”。从2005年以来,怀卡托大学管理学院同时获得全球三重认证(AACSB、EQUIS 、AMBA)是国际上对于商学院的最高荣誉。



1.Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcct)




an Academic IELTS Overall score of at least 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band), oran iBT (Internet Based TOEFL) score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora TOEFL iBT Home-based overall score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora B grade or better at Level 8 in the Certificate of Attainment in Academic English, ora PTE Academic overall score of 58 and no PTE communicative skills below 50





2.Master of Business and Management




an Academic IELTS Overall score of at least 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band), oran iBT (Internet Based TOEFL) score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora TOEFL iBT Home-based overall score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora B grade or better at Level 8 in the Certificate of Attainment in Academic English, ora PTE Academic overall score of 58 and no PTE communicative skills below 50​

  (4)学费:NZ$49,640 per programme (180 points)




3.Master of Applied Finance




an Academic IELTS Overall score of at least 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band), oran iBT (Internet Based TOEFL) score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora TOEFL iBT Home-based overall score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora B grade or better at Level 8 in the Certificate of Attainment in Academic English, ora PTE Academic overall score of 58 and no PTE communicative skills below 50​





4.Master of Digital Business(线上课程)

  (1)专业背景:1> 如果您具备以下条件,您有资格申请数字商务硕士(180学分):


  2> 如果您具备以下条件,您有资格申请数字商务硕士(120学分):



  3> 如果您不符合上述标准,您仍然可以根据学术成绩或相关工作经验被考虑进入数字商务硕士课程。



an Academic IELTS Overall score of at least 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band), oran iBT (Internet Based TOEFL) score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora TOEFL iBT Home-based overall score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora B grade or better at Level 8 in the Certificate of Attainment in Academic English, ora PTE Academic overall score of 58 and no PTE communicative skills below 50​

  (4)学费:$32,400 (120 pts); $48,600 (180 pts) per programme




5.Master of Management Studies

  (1)专业背景: 180分课程:您已获得学士学位或同等学历;在相关专业,或;




an IELTS overall score of at least 6.5, with no band below 6.0, oran iBT (Internet-based TOEFL) score of at least 90, with a Writing score of at least 22, ora B grade or better at Level 8 in the Certificate of Attainment in Academic English, oran overall score of C (with at least a C in the Writing band) in the Foundation Certificate in English for Academic Purposes, ora PTE Academic overall score of at least 65, with no less than 58 for each communicative skill.

  (4)学费:$32,400 (120 学分); $48,600 (180 学分) per programme




6.Master of Educational Management





an Academic IELTS Overall score of at least 6.5 (with no less than 6.0 in any band), oran iBT (Internet Based TOEFL) score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora TOEFL iBT Home-based overall score of 90 with a Writing score of 21, ora B grade or better at Level 8 in the Certificate of Attainment in Academic English, ora PTE Academic overall score of 58 and no PTE communicative skills below 50​








